Luboš, 45 YEARS OLD


Since the holidays, we have been renovating a cottage, which is quite a demanding task both physically and mentally, on top of our regular jobs. Many of us know what I'm talking about. I began to feel tired and under more psychological stress. At the beginning of September, I got the Formula Veritas BF tablet, and I was surprised by how quickly it took effect. After about 4 days, I started sleeping well, and I can say that I sleep through the whole night. Since then, I feel more vitality and energy in the morning, and I can get up more easily. I've also noticed improved psychological resilience as I work with people every day. Furthermore, I am pleasantly surprised that I haven't had a migraine for about a month, which I regularly suffer from. Another interesting thing I've noticed about myself is regular bowel movements. Before, it was very irregular, sometimes even once a week. I'm looking forward to more positive changes.

Luboš, 45 years old, Self-Employed