Iveta, 52 YEARS OLD a Pavel, 54 YEARS OLD
We started taking Formula Veritas BF tablets in September 2020, regularly every day. We tried taking the tablet in the morning, evening, or during the day, just to find the optimal time.
Iveta - I find it suitable to take BF in the evening before sleep because I fall asleep better, and the sleep is of higher quality. I wake up feeling more rested, with plenty of energy for the whole day. The quality of my nails has improved - they are stronger, don't split, and grow faster.
Pavel - I usually take BF in the evening, with a one-week break every month (just experimenting). Overall, I feel fine; I don't have as much dandruff, and my hair is not breaking as much. When I block the "S-curve" (surgery in 2012), the recovery is much faster.
We are not active athletes, but with the support of the tablets, our vacation in Šumava was very pleasant. Daily walks of over 15 km, no stiff legs, and cramps didn't bother us.
Regarding digestion and bowel movements - everything is fine!
Healing of minor injuries has accelerated, and cold sores and mouth ulcers have stopped forming.
We can recommend BF for both of us; everyone should at least try using it.
Iveta, 52 years old, administrative worker
Pavel, 54 years old, defectoscopic technician